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Our Community

The literal translation of Namaste, the salutation usually spoken at the end of class, means, “the spirit in me bows to the spirit in you.” At Nandi, we believe we are connected to everyone else, both inside and outside the studio.

Community is vital to us

Practicing together yields many opportunities for inspiration and support, as we each journey on our own path. We encourage our students and staff to work together to make our community even better.

Beyond the Asana

Our connections with each other extend past the poses and practice – whether mindful meditation, singing and dancing to Kirtan or just catching up with neighbors and friends

We take yoga beyond our physical walls and give back to the community

Community Classes

We offer a community class on most Sunday afternoons taught by our wonderful teaching interns with optional donations; the owners of Nandi contribute an amount double the donations to our local food bank.

Community Outreach

We love working with our community and have hosted free events throughout the years including an all day International Day of Yoga.  If you are a non-profit and would like to bring yoga to your community, email us at


Nandi has worked with a number of non-profits contributing training, class time and financial support. Organizations we have supported include Art of Yoga, Yoga Veteran’s Project, and the Himalayan Institute to name a few.


Nandi has worked with a number of neighborhood schools to develop yoga programs at the schools.

If you are a Nandi student or a community member who wants to be involved we look forward to hearing from you, contact us today!

email us at:

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